Blue Sky this morning. No clouds - just lots of sunshine. It's going to be a hot (35°+) day in Balikpapan.

Yesterday, myself and some other ladies from the BIWA group were invited to a lunch at the Blue Sky Hotel. BIWA is planning a Chinese New Year celebration for January. Great experience, and we really enjoyed sampling the menu. My favorite was the Fish with Sweet and Sour Mango Sauce.

Balikpapan is a great place to experience culture. It's all around us - no avoiding it. Imagine 7 of us enjoying a Chinese lunch, from 6 different countries and not one of us are Chinese. We were shown the proper way to do a Chinese salad. Mix + dress + serve. And of course those darn chop sticks had to get in the way. How in the world do they manage to do that. I am not a fan of Chop Sticks. And by the way - Indonesians don't use chop sticks either.

And about BIWA. Balikpapan International Women's Association. It's a big group, we have lots of fun, come from all kinds of places, have loads of social activities and lots and lots of charity work too.

TODAY: Have a bunch of errands to run today, a Coffee morning in PMC and lots of odds and ends to get done. Need to clean up that desk again too. How does that always happen anyway?

Ok, it's time to put on the sunglasses and GO!

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