You know you're in Balikpapan when ............ it rains like crazy and people get to wear their Pajamas to work. Yup, 2 p.m. at my favorite photocopy shop. You can't help but like that.

The hair event yesterday - went pretty well. I think? The massage was great! And apparently in another 6 months she (my favorite hairdresser) says I'll have hair just like Farah Fawcett. Hmmm? Not too sure about that. We'll see I guess. I should have bet her on that.

Darts - not sure what's up with that. Seems the less I practice - the better I get - my dart throwing ability seems to be going up. I'll take it. I'm actually kinda impressed in fact. And I can hit that darn bulls eye too! Too bad our team didn't get our acts together a little bit sooner. The season is pretty much done, and we didn't seem to play a whole lot - only a couple weeks left now before the big End of Season event.

No new tap in the kitchen sink (Maybe tomorrow perhaps). Didn't think I'd see one of those any time soon. And not sure if this is related or not, but, the maintenance guys decided to drop off another skinny little cat yesterday afternoon. Not sure who they're feeling more sorry for us or the cat. "Cat with No Tail". Just what we needed another darn cat. Stop with all the cats already you guys!!

TODAY: Think Holiday. Last post for this month. Cats, taps and kitchen sinks - will deal with all that later when I get back - in a couple of weeks.

Time to go everyone. Checking out.

Good to Go!


LIVING LARGE ON RAINDROPS? If that was the case we'd all be rich.

Oh, some days - you just can't help but love this place. Only in Balikpapan. ........ and I'm certainly not talking about the tea either.

Ok, so how does this happen?

You start out getting a kitchen cupboard door fixed - that's half fallen off. Yes, we spent the whole weekend wedging the thing back into place and every time we went near it - the darn thing would fall off. And so, first thing this morning we got on the phone (no, sorry cross out phone - it wasn't working this morning either - to boot). Ok, so we tried to phone maintenance but ended up sending our favorite girl over to the office instead.

And so along came the maintenance men. Rather quickly, I might add - these guys must like us I think. So while I was frantically working in the office, desperately trying to get some work I need to get done, done - a whole lot of hammering and banging and cursing was going on. (Turns out Sh*! is the same in Bahasa as it is in English) Well now we have NO water tap. And it's going to take 3 days to get a new one. Are you kidding me?

Wholly smokes - imagine what it's like trying to get real work done. Ok, other Me - I get it. And for that reason ............. we're going on a holiday this week. Right?

Count down is on for the holiday too. Need to photo copy a whole bunch of stuff before we can go too. Passport, tax ID card, and marriage certificate. Yeah - the rules have changed here a little bit - unless you want to pay about $250 each for the Fiscal Exit Tax. Not.

Me and the other Me made an executive decision regarding this holiday over the weekend too. Lap tops, will not be coming with us. And for 2 reasons in fact. #1 - a lap top on a holiday means work. And #2 - the places we're going don't actually have any Internet.

We had a splendid weekend by the way. Splendid, splendid. It was just plain great! And I think a lot of people had a whole bunch of fun at Mardi Gras too. ............ just a little mishap with the experimental roast beef we tried to attempt last night.

TODAY: Definitely heading out to do something about the hair. Time to fix up that bad hair day thing that's going on. And maybe just a little massage while we're at too. .......... I love this place.

And later tonight ............. bulls eye, more darts.

Good to Go!


Mardi Gras. Get your masks out everyone - it's Mardi Gras tonight.

Re: I haven't given up........ maybe, maybe, might be making some progress on the Bocce Ball Set. Two possibles maybe, in fact. Bocce Ball Builder Guy Number 1 and Guy Number 2. Fingers crossed that one of these will out.

Bocce Ball Builder Guy #1 - well he's got the tools to do it but his price has gone up. Doubled over night? How does that work? ...... anyways, to make a long, long story short. Last night he started calling me back. We'll see I guess.

Bocce Ball Builder Guy #2 - still waiting on a price. And I have no idea how long that's gonna take. But it was a really interesting afternoon sitting on the floor in his shop watching the guys there making paper kites. Too bad I didn't have the camera with me for that. Maybe next. And a paper kite by the way is worth all of 30 cents.

TODAY: HYDRATE and NAP. Guess I had a bit too much fun last night.

My fortnight lunch buddy left this morning for a break. And just in case you happen to be peaking in from over there. "Hi Girls" When you do your Monday 'spoil me appointments' - I think you guys should do RED.

And the other Me ....... wholly, finally might be getting a haircut.


Go forward: the week's almost over, the week's almost done.

So I'm told - my posts the last couple of days have been a bit weak. BORING in fact. Yeah, OK, your right. Not that the past bunch of days have been boring, not even close. It's just been one of those weeks.

Let's start with yesterday: Yesterday, I made a very valiant effort to get a set of Bocce balls made. (Bocce - go ahead, look it up.) Drove circles - all over town. Now you'd think, given that Indonesia is like the woodcarver, furniture builder and anything else made of wood - mecca of the world, to make 1 small wooden sphere and 8 larger ones would be a simple task. NOT. And to think I actually thought I'd try for a croquet set after that. NOT. "No tool in the workshop" I sure heard that alot. Everywhere I went in fact. I haven't given up though. ............ but this task is turning out to be a whole lot harder than I originally thought. Will keep you posted - it's kinda like buying cream cheese in this place.

Week in review: Man-O-Man. What a week. So I won't go into details of how this came about, but it's related to something seen on the news in the driver's shack. And I'm not even sure how to explain this, but, in a muddled up mix of English and broken Bahasa - I got to explain what a pedophile is. Imagine all the embarrassment once that came out. Wholly smokes. And just so you know - it's not in the English/Bahasa Indonesian translation book either.

Week in review: Man-O-Man. What a week. The other Me has definitely earned this week. And trust me, as I type this, I'm still shaking my head back and forth. Today he's on a covert mission. And that's not even a joke. Code name (what)? No, he's not practicing for the CIA ............ and that's the kind of week it's been.

Week in review: Man-O-Man. Next week's a HOLIDAY! Well earned by some.

TODAY: ATM - banking day. A couple of choices for tonight and get ready for tomorrow's big event - the Mardi Gras Ball. What to wear? What to wear? Too bad we left all the costume stuff behind.

Good to Go!


Putz and Putter. That's pretty much what I did yesterday. All day long. And I enjoyed it. Really enjoyed it. It's really good to have one of those Putz and Putter kind of days.

I thought I'd start by loading up the iTunes with a whole bunch of brand new music that's been sitting on the corner of desk for more than the past month. Wholly - that's not happening. Not in one day. Maybe in another month! And then I got stuck on a bunch of Bob Dylan music ..................... and on and on and on.

TODAY: Today I'm heading out. Going to check some furniture shops. I'll explain that tomorrow - no I'm not buying furniture. It's a different sort of mission instead.

Good to Go!


In Balikpapan .......... everyday is wash day. Sun's out!

TODAY: Been busy in the office all day. Overdosing myself with Bob Dylan music. Just one of those kind of days I guess. And I'm enjoying every minute of it.

Have a good one.

Good to Go!


Introducing 'BULAI'. No, this is not my cat. In fact I don't have a cat. And as much as I really do like cats, I do not plan on getting a cat. However, this little felis catus guy deserves a mention, and makes the Blog today for 2 reasons.

#1 - He's really, really cute, almost all white, blue eyes, without body shape deformities and comes complete with an actual real tail. And these things are all rarities for a local Balikpapan, Indonesian cat. Most cats here have crooked or bent up tails or no tail or just short stubby looking things you'd have to assume are tails. And at first glance one would think someone cut it off - but no, in fact they are born that way. And they're usually some mottled, mixed up versions of colours that don't match, most likely involve the colour orange and are not very often white. ............ maybe that explains how the cat next door has been nick-named 'Ugly Cat', not to mention the fact it's had 4 liters of kittens in the past year. Poor things - imagine being born like that.

#2 - His name. BULAI. Pronunciation: boo-lay. Bahasa Indonesian/English translation book definition for bulai: white-skinned person, which more often than not means an expat. I'm told that one of Bulai's parents is actually an expat cat. (Yes, cats can be expats here too). And so, this little cat got the name 'Bulai'. A perfect fit, a perfect match - and a good name for this little cat.

TODAY: Coffee with the BIWA group and a bunch of other errands to do.

Need to finish off some photoshop stuff, get some cards ready for some birthdays coming up and if at all possible I'm going to get in some couch time this afternoon too. Good day everyone.

Good to Go!


Pizza .............. that was good. In fact we actually made 4 of them. Good enough to almost open up a pizza shop. We had fun and it tasted good too - even though we did cook a couple of them a little bit too much. (slightly crisp) Managed to clean up all the mess we made and figured out how to use Instant Yeast too. Found a pretty simple pizza dough recipe on the Internet. This is a pretty cool website Cooks. Com Lots of really good recipes that all sorts of people send in. Check it out.

Better take a step back in all of this. There's not a lot of places to get a pizza in this town. So sometimes, you've just gotta figure it out for yourself. And, with the help of a few friends - we did just that.

Oh yeah - the red stuff. Well of course we had to re-invent the Daiquiri to go along with all the rest.

TODAY: Pool is closed for maintenance - so forget that. (and I was in fact ready for it this time too)

New license for the car - CHECK.

Fill up on benzin - CHECK.

A small project I needed to do - CHECK.

Sunshine - CHECK.

This day's rocking and it's still the morning too. Here's hoping the other Me is having the same success. CHECK.

Good to Go!


Move over 'Friday the 13th', you're done - it's time for Valentines.

Last night, the stars and planets must have aligned themselves. I don't know how it happened. I played the best darts I have ever played in my life last night. Wholly crap! 13 must be my lucky number. Love it. Love it. I just hope people realize that's probably never happening again. But I'll take it. BULLS EYE.

Great lunch with the girls yesterday. We went to, what I would call, a really cool place. A place called SEASIK. Pretty funky name for a restaurant don't you think? Probably scares a few people off - but it was an awesome place. And the food was great. So the SEA part of the name refers to the fish/seafood on the menu and the SIK, is for the Society of Indonesian Culinary Arts. I'd have to say these guys are pretty brave using a name like that. Good on them don't you think?

TODAY: Looks like we got the rain out of the way early this morning. That's great. Sun's on the way out.

Heading out to pick up all the stuff we're going to need for the PIZZA COOK OFF. Yup, we're having a pizza making party. And I have to say - I have never used yeast in my life, nor do we have a dough recipe. Better get on the net. Better get surfing for that. Not real sure how this is going to work out - but we're gonna give it a shot.

Happy Weekend - Happy Valentine's.

Good to Go!


Hello Friday - I've been wondering where you went. I'm actually not a believer in hurrying any week along - life's way to short for that, but it's Friday and I'm happy about that. Friday the 13th in fact. Whoo hoo!

The bill paying experience yesterday: The office I've been going to for the past, I don't how many months - well they went and closed up and moved out on me. Totally moved out. Even the tiles are gone off the floor. No pre-warning. Just a little note on the glass. And this should not surprise me - not in the least. Here, nothing should ever surprise anyone. The office was at Mal Fantasi, but that place is going through a huge reno these days. Aside from the Hero Supermarket and a few little clothing shops - there's pretty much nothing left. So off we went to scout out the new office. And that's how we ended up in the middle of a road construction spot.

The new plan - well, turns out the new office is very close to the driver's house and he's gonna look after this. Thank you, thank you, you're the best. And the other Me will be happy too - Indovision for one more month.

So, this is how you make a road (bigger) in Balikpapan. Yeahhh! What a surprise that was. This is the little road that carries on from the 'Red Bridge' on your way to the other side of town. They're making that skinny little road a little bigger for all the cars, and trucks and motorcycles to get down. Found out the hard way yesterday when we got stuck in the middle of all of it. And all that sidewalk on the left - that's brand new too. Wholly Balikpapan - things are looking up! Pretty soon Jalan Pandjaitan just might end being the biggest street in town.

TODAY: Can't believe I actually got this post out in the morning today. First time this week, I think. Good start to the day.

Our friend is coming to town today - an unexpected-unplanned trip. Looking forward to seeing him and he's spending the night our house. Good deal! Hope you bring your darts along.

Good day for peanut butter chocolate chip and good day to go for lunch. See you soon girls.

Good to go!

PS: Sorry I left the darn key in door last night. Pretty hard to unlock it when the key is left in on the other side. Ooops.


YESTERDAY: A blogger break. [felt like reverse] It was just one of those days. And I'm not even going to get into that. ......... but it should be called the 'things you sign yourself up for'. And who could every be bored in this place?

Book Club was great the other night. Probably should have come home a little earlier than that. But it was fun. Really fun. Good night ladies.

The holiday is booked. Yeah!! Tickets in hand, (actually they're in the safe) but whatever I got em and we're going and it's booked. And we're excited too! And three cheers for that.

The ant hill out front - DONE. (I think)

A new big hole appeared in the yard out side the house yesterday. ???? Not sure what that's all about. But they were sure noisy about it. And it's even bigger than the first one. Hmmmmm.

And last night - what a lighting show. Hardly a rain drop to show from it though. Sometimes it just happens like that.

TODAY: Bills to pay.

And the maintenance guys showed up early this morning at the house. Not a lot of notice - don't you think? Funny how it that happens - as soon as you need to make a few phone calls - all the noisy stuff around here starts.

And try to decide about the Mardi Gras Ball that's coming up. What to wear - what to wear? Anybody out there got some good costume thoughts?

And maybe should practice throwing a few darts for a game that's coming up. BULLS EYE!

And a good day to get out there and take some pictures.

Good to Go!


BOUY? Maybe? I really don't know what this thing is. Or it's purpose. But it's out there in the water, just to the left of Jack's. Jack's has a great sea view - an open air place, open to the sea, all along the back. A good place to just sit and watch. And the sea - not always as blue as you'd think it should be.

Still have the ant hill out front. Not sure when that's going away. I thought they were going to work on that this morning. Guess not. Maybe this afternoon. Maybe tomorrow. Or maybe the next. And that's just the way things go around here. No worries, eventually it'll disappear. Note: All the drivers around my house have convinced me their dangerous. Not to worry - I'm not touching it. ....... and maybe that's why it's there??

Got to watch the Grammys last night. Just like all the rest of you folks out there in the world. Have to admit - not sure who all those people winning the awards were though. The downside of living on this side of the world or at least in this place - you start to loose touch with some of that. I have no idea about some of them. Never heard them before. maybe here we just get the good stuff and filter out all the rest.

Not too sure about all the performances either. Way too much collaborating and duets. (Why in the world would Stevie Wonder agree to that?) And (as much as I do like Coldplay) what was Star World (our broadcast channel) thinking when they repeatedly played the same song over and over and over again at the beginning of every darn commercial for the whole 3 hours. Augh!!!

TODAY: Chatted with a bouy from home this morning. Good Stuff. Sometimes it's just good to do that. (BOY - yes I know, but just had to get that in there someplace.)

Changed things up a bit on the header for the Blog. Time for Change. Time I should have really spent doing something else. Oh well, had a bit of ME moment in the middle of everything else.

Sorted out my 'TO DO LIST' too. Not half as bad as I had thought. But I really, really should get at it I guess.

Good to Go!


Full Moon as of now. 100% full - here today at 1 o'clock.

I know it's still officially the beginning of this month and I know it's only Monday, but .......... if things keep going at the lightning speed rate it has so far, before we know it. Done! Remember last week - one project finished just in time to start another. Well I think I've got a few more on the things to do list too. Better sit down and sort this out. What have I agreed to?

A very nice weekend. Totally. And the word 'RELAX' sure fit in there someplace. And a very special lady invited us to dine at her house Saturday night. And it was really nice. Thanks for having us.

TODAY: Well already had a full morning and this afternoon off to get some plane tickets booked. Love it when a holiday plan starts coming together. Very excited about this trip too. Going to hook up with some friends and do some seeing the sites with them. A new country to put on the been there list.

Probably in for some rain any time soon now too. I hear it. Those thunder boomers sneaking up from way back behind the house. This just might be a good one. Perhaps?

......... and stayed up way too late last night. You'd think I'd know better than that. I need nap.

Ok, phone keeps ringing, have a big ant hill that developed under/in a tree over the weekend in front of the house (definitely need to deal with that), need to get in the car before the rain starts ......... and this Monday's already rocking. Gotta Go!

Good to Go!


SMILE AWHILE. - So you know how your in-box always ends up getting filled up all with all those quirky little emails, bad jokes, etc., etc. and all that other stuff you never know why or where you should file them, delete them or forward them on to pollute someone else's in-box instead. Well, it happened earlier in the week that an email showed up in my in-box with "Smile Awhile" as the subject head. Contents; pretty much the same as all the rest - but for some darn reason that catchy little title 'SMILE AWHILE' has gotten stuck in my head.

So anyways - decided I just had to find a way to use it in this blog. And decided I should just dump myself into Photoshop and just have a little fun with it instead. And so - here it is.

Happy to report - I'm way ahead on the Book Club book this month. I'm actually done. Having our little get together early next week. " A Thousand Splendid Suns" by Khaled Hosseini. Good, good book - but I actually enjoyed his first book better "The Kite Runner". Was more of a can't put it down kinda thing. Both books though - definitely worth a recommend.

Hey, it's the weekend and that's great. A new addition to my family this week too. As of now - Pilot the big sister has a little sister named Penn. Congratulations Mom + Dad.

Oh, and those tiny little oranges in the pic. AWESOME. These things are the best. And must be in season right now. Truck loads of them all over the place in fact. And cheap, cheap, cheap. YUM!

Last night/yesterday - didn't exactly go as planned. Happy to report - no funky food. Stayed out way too late, good company, good fun.

TODAY: The only plan is to have no plan at all. Smile awhile - and have a great weekend everyone.

Good to Go!

TO BEE OR NOT........

Friday right? All kinds of good things happening around here, nothing in particular, but ..........

Maybe it's that holiday coming up.

Ok, so how do you like the photo of the big bee? Yes, it really was big. (It was that big) Big like in giant. I like this photo, and I didn't have to go far to get it either. Just outside the door in fact. That's what happens when you keep too many plants I guess. Amazingly, it sat there long enough for me run back in the house and grab the camera too. Amazingly, it sat there long enough for me focus, aim and ......... and run back in the house and grab the camera card and start the whole thing all over again - I have such a bad habit of that. Amazingly, I didn't have to run back in the house after getting bit. But I left that door open anyways - just in case. I actually don't know if it even can bite - or what it is, to bee or not, but .........

And yes, if your starting to thing I'm building a collection of bug and insect shots. You're right. But purely all by accident. I do not scout these things out - they come find me.

TODAY: Finally resigned myself to the fact that no matter what time you get up in the morning - it always seems to do the disappearing act. Fast. Fast. Fast.

....... and just when you get one project out of the way another one comes up. How can anyone possibly be bored in this place? More stuff to do.

Off on a couple of missions this afternoon. And later tonight ............ off to some unknown spot. I think it's going to be another one of those funky food places. Good thing you had a big lunch other Me. ............. and after that maybe the BBC? We'll see - we'll just let this day happen.

Good to Go!


THANK GOODNESS! For cappuccino on a grey rainy day like today. With cream (krim) of course. Found a really nice cup of that at Jack's. Take that Starbucks. "Opening Soon" I'm beginning to wonder if you're ever coming to town.

HAVE MILK! Got Milk. Again. Yeah. Lot's of it in fact. Someone must have sent a whole container of it. Everywhere you go it's all stocked up again. I should probably mention that in fact there is always some version of milk around here, just not the kind we like - the fresh stuff - real milk. And I must point out - we do come from the land of mega milk drinkers. Where I come from, you buy milk in the 4 litre size - not the tiny little 1 litre types.

The Hero Stores and probably Hypermart too, along with all the other little shops have a whole row of what I call "FAKE" milk though. The powdered stuff - yuck - but, a whole bunch of people here don't actually have fridges (or electricity to run them with) so I guess that makes sense. And then there's all kinds of milk that comes in non-refridgerated boxes or tetra packs - sorry but I have to give that stuff another yuck. And in all fairness, we have tried them - but it's just not the same as real milk ....... As of right now though, THANK GOODNESS we have milk! And cereal too.

Still working on the holiday plan. We're getting there. Really tough though to decide what to do. There are a whole lot of options out there. Will keep you posted on that.

TODAY: Had a really nice relaxing lunch - and a nice cup o' cappuccino to end it off. One of those spur of the moment things that every once in a while a person's just gotta do. That was great. Great lunch and despite the grey still an awesome view.

Good to Go!


Well had a pretty busy day yesterday. One of those days when things just don't go as fast as you'd like. One of those 3 steps forward and 2 steps back kinda days - at least that's how it felt. Turns out I was going forward all the time. Forward thinking. Just didn't know it. And that's the kind of day it was.

Special note to someone in Wyoming: You probably noticed that I deleted your comment - thought it might be best not to share your user name, etc. with all the rest of the folks out there on the net. I also know you have a whole bunch friends around here that miss you a great deal too. And yes I checked out your Blog - thanks for the Bahasa English part. And all your cool photos too. (I love pictures of snow) And a big thank you for all your kind words regarding my little space in the world of Blogs. Very flattering in fact. Peek in any time you like. Stay warm and enjoy the snow.

On a side note - there's an interesting little article in yesterday's Jakarta Post. "Bad weather to continue until April" Claims it's the El Nino effect, I didn't know we were in the middle of that. They use the words "torrential" and "storms". "Beach areas will suffer the worst weather...." (and Balikpapan does have a beach - a whole bunch in fact.) And here all along I thought it was called the Rainy Season. And for today, not sure what the forecast is, but for now at least ...... the sun's out.

TODAY: Hmmmm. Not sure, but I'm on my way out.

Good to Go!


Sorry, folks - not much time for a post today. Busy, busy day. I'm kinda of occupied with and/or concentrating on a particular activity or object of attention today - yup, that's my day.

TODAY: Did get out and managed to pick up 2 (two) little things of milk this afternoon. I'm told the shipper short-shipped the store this week. Good thing I had my name on the last two at least. Now we can eat all that cereal we brought back in our suitcases.

Not sure what's going on in town today, but - seems every crazy person with a motorcycle is out enjoying a ride or in a big hurry weaving in and out of traffic like Evil Canevils. (Note: motorcycles out number cars at least 25-1 here.) Today for some reason, is particularly worse. Wholly crap you guys. Hati-hati. That means be careful.

Gotta go. Good to Go!


Wow - it's February. Just what we all need. A brand new month. Actually this is going to be a great month. Have a holiday to do.

The Burns Night - sorry no photo from Burns Night. But, it was impressive I'd have say. The Balikpapan Burns Society did a really awesome job. Was just like one of those Red Carpet events you see on Entertainment tonight. Complete with the guy and his camera taking your picture when you arrived through the metal detectors (Yeah, we're still in Balikpapan) Pretty snazzy though - and everyone was all dressed all up. Was like the who's who of Balikpapan. Bagpipes, Scottish dancing, lots of kilts, lots of whiskey, more whiskey and a really great meal.

My first time to taste Haggis, ever. Isn't as bad as I thought it would be, although I think they may have added a bit of Indonesian spice to it. Jazzed it up a bit. Maybe? I was expecting it to be a little more bland than that. Haggis served with Bashed Neeps and Champit Tatties. Tatties are potatoes and the Neeps are mashed turnips. The Neeps - sorry, but I did not really care for that stuff too much. But the other Me did. Your mother would be proud of you, although you did comment yesterday that it might have had something to do with Whiskey.

It wasn't just Haggis either. Started out with Cock-a-leekie soup. No wonder Robby Burns was such a good poet - look the language he had to work with. Scottish really is a language in fact, and hard to understand too. It was a really nice dinner, lamb stew, trifle, shortbread and a thing they called tablet which tasted just like like fudge to me.

Now imagine this. A bottle of Whiskey that sold for $1,850 US. Auctioned off that night. I guess. Can't imagine it myself. You've probably figured out I'm not a big fan of whiskey, at-all-ever, yuck. But I guess, some people really, like the stuff. So apparently this was not just any bottle of Whiskey - it was in fact a Limited Edition, 37 year old Bottle of Whiskey. “Famous Grouse”. And only one of 250 in the world. A special Whiskey in honor of Robby Burns. Wow - can't imagine paying that much for a bottle of anything. Hope the lucky guy enjoys it.

TODAY: Well thought I had the pool thing this morning - but no body showed. Change of plans I guess. Guess that means I have lots of time to do other stuff. Like clean-up the mess in the office. AGAIN. AGAIN. AGAIN. I am so good at that.

Back on the milk mission again.

Ok, we're February-ready. Let's do it!

Good to Go!