Today marks my 100th post. Believe it or not? I shock myself in fact. Can't believe I've managed to carry this on that long. Didn't think I had that much to say. (Actually, truth is - most people that know me will probably agree - I do have a tendency to talk a lot.)

So, yesterday - rather un-intendingly, I ended up spoiling myself. Almost all by accident of course. Just a little bit. 2 hours at my favorite salon. For 2 hours it was all about me in fact. And gotta love that. Every bit good.

A public holiday (red calendar day) here today - of sorts. There are like so many fricken' holidays here. Unlike most other countries in the world. Indonesia it seems recognizes all of them. Muslim, Christian, Hindu, etc., etc. Today is the Balinese Hindu Nyepi Saka. The Day of Silence. The day everyone stays home with all the lights out. In fact, in Bali - you can not go out. There are actual marshals posted all over the place to enforce exactly that and the lights out rule too. All the ATMs and pop machines etc., etc., are covered in paper so no light can shine out. And today in Bali, you will not see any planes in the sky. They are not allowed to fly. Ironic that this is happening so close to the rest of the world's EARTH HOUR 2009 - March 28th. Try a whole day folks!

The "of sorts" part. It's not an actual holiday for everyone. Just for some. Depends on a whole bunch of stuff. Like where you live, where you work and where you're from. And I'm not sure how they even begin to sort all that out.

TODAY: Full on day ahead. Loads of things I need to - should do - must do TODAY.

And #1 on the list - need to hurry up and pack. Have ticket in hand and ready to go - going to hook up with a friend in Bali and then we're off. Off on a shopping trip to Lombok and who knows what else or what we'll bring back. Adventure? You bet - and I'm all up for that.

Good to Go! Almost.


Sometimes, you see some of the strangest stuff around here. "The Doctor" - not sure what this is all about. A doctor for what? .......... and this is one of those things that just makes a person can't help but love this place. By the way - maybe you should wash that truck. (Note: Doctors do make house calls here, however, not too sure about this one.)

And since we're on the topic of doctors. The little boy I talked about. Seems his temperature is now under control. Still waiting on news regarding his lab test results. ........ and a special note to a friend of mine who is not feeling so well right now herself. Hope you're getting lots of down time and please let me know if I can help. (Hey girl: Doctors do make house calls here.)

My yesterday rocked. I got a lot done. All the stuff I was suppose to do and then some. Yes ......... we have food again. Fridge is all back to being stocked up. (Minus bacon - forget finding that.) Checked out a new spot yesterday too - wholly, what's going on here. Balikpapan is starting to actually have some stuff. It's amazing to see how this place has changed in the last few years. Things are looking up.

TODAY: Another hot sunny day in Balikpapan, plus a little bit of rain last night. Perfect weather for breeding more of those frickin' mosquitoes in fact. Need to empty every little bit of stale standing water that's around this place. It's definitely mosquito season around here. Not to mention the little things locally known as agus - I think they're kinda like sand flies. Tiny, tiny little things that itch like crazy when they bite.

Planes, Trains and Automobiles + boats: Still trying to decide about taking a break from this place. Maybe yes, maybe no. First off need to see if I can find a ticket. Plane ticket that is, way to far to go by boat and there is no train out of here. And there are a lot of choices when it comes to that. I don't think there is any other country in the world that has as many local carriers as Indonesia does. Waiting on my friend Yuyu from the travel agency for some info on that.

Lets make this day happen. Good to Go!


So turns out the easiest (best) way to fix a dripping kitchen tap - is to replace it. Sounds good so far, right? - read on - with a new (used) one that has a sink attached. ahhhh.

Saga of the kitchen tap; first it was broken (didn't even realize that - apparently it was leaking a little bit) and the maintenance guys decided to do us a favor and fix that. Well in their process of fixing a little leak they somehow managed to break the whole tap OFF ........... and so we were without tap for a bunch of days. The new (used) tap they replaced it with? .............. was in fact worse than what we started with. Hot became cold, cold became hot and you couldn't even turn the darn tap. So they came back and tried fixing it, and fixing it, and fixing it again and then I think they just plain gave up.

Yesterday - they replaced the whole lot. Yup, rather than mess around with changing another tap - it became way easier to bring the whole works. Kitchen sink with the tap still attached. From the house down the road - not sure what they plan on doing over there about that.

And so - now we have a perfectly fine working kitchen sink and a tap back. Small things in life are worth a whole bunch.

TODAY: Need to do all the things I should have done yesterday. Didn't get a darn thing done. A little boy we know (driver's son) is very, very sick. Big time fever and all of that. And, unfortunately the first thing to check for here is dengue fever, and that would not be a good thing. (fingers crossed about that) No news yet - still waiting on that.

Today's pic - 2009 GENERAL ELECTION. Well this is just a small fragment of the millions of flags flying here right now. Not to mention the T-shirts and banners and billboards and posters and pretty much anything else you can think of stuff. The roads are literally littered with this stuff. All up in advance of the federal election coming up. Balikpapan right now (and all of Indonesia in fact) is a very colourful place.

Ok, time to go get a whole bunch of stuff done. Good to Go!


Ok, so here we go again, a new Monday and a new week. I've got some projects I've been putting off that I really need to get at this week. But .... (when it rains it pours) ....... a friend has asked me to join her in Bali and Lombok for week - what to do? what to do? Not too sure what to do about that. But, if I do happen to disappear for a bit. That's where I'm at.

And it's birthday week number 2. There are a whole lot of people having birthdays around about now. Happy, Happy Birthday to each every one of you. Sure hoping everyone managed to get the birthday cards we sent in the mail. ....... and the post cards from holidays too. I understand it might take a few weeks.

A pretty good weekend around here. Except that the other Me ended up working way too much. Unfortunately - that does happen around here, and lately a little too often and too much. Birthday party on the beach yesterday - that was fun, loads of people and food and kids and sun and on and on. A fire across the street Saturday night. 1 and 1/2 houses I'm told. Not sure how you get a half but that's how they count it here in Balikpapan. Still have the black hole in the blue room (black & blue) - no change on that front. Maybe next week or the week after that. And for some reason - today they're back again fixing that darn kitchen tap. Seems it sprung a new leak.

TODAY: Shopping day around here. I think I'm going to call this the hunter-gatherer week. Need to replenish and restock on a whole bunch of stuff. And I just got word a new shop has opened up in town - so need to go check that out too. And today's shaping up to be a good day for all of that.

Happy Monday - Happy Week.

Good to Go!


SUN'S OUT. I don't think there's a single cloud in the sky today. Nothing but clear blue. This is a good sign for the makings of a great day. But, wholly Hannah, wholly crap ........ and it's gonna be hot!

Ok, so check out these poor fish. Makes you want to rush out and get a fish tank and try and save a few of them - doesn't it? Hmmm - maybe not. But you certainly could if you wanted to - right? Not to worry, I have zero plans of that. Same goes for all those cute little cats.

So, yes, you've probably found out by now that yesterday was in fact my L-A-Z-Y day. No blogging or any other stuff like that. Yesterday I just plain took a day off. And everyone needs one of those every now and now then. An unplanned-unexpected day off. And besides that - yesterday was a tough day for internet around here. On, off, on, off and slow and just plain old crap.

Thursday's Fortnight Lunch was great. We pretty much spent the whole entire day just wondering in circles all over town. We did make time for lunch (Pacific Hotel) and a Cafe Latte (Excelso at the mall) and checked out the brand new Body Shop (yes believe it or not we now have a Body Shop) and a whole bunch of other stops in between all of that. I think we pretty much wore ourselves out.

Still have the big black hole in the ceiling in our blue room. No idea when they'll get around to fixing that. So far so good though. Haven't had any drips come in with the last couple of rains. I'm guessing the level of confidence that it's really fixed is a not quite there yet. Yup, probably best to wait that one out for a bit. Next week we'll deal with that.

TODAY: Good day to sort out stuff I think. A make work project kind of day. And get out an enjoy some of that beautiful Balikpapan Sun.

Happy 1st day of Spring to everyone north and enjoy your weekend everyone.

Good to Go!


The pic - just some really cute little pre-school girls doing a show for everyone at the mall (Mal Fantasi.)

Updates to yesterday's post:

The house phone bill is sorted out. And I even got my money back. Oh, sometimes there is a plus. I can't believe that actually happened - good deal. And here I thought someone else was going to get a bonus for last month.

The DRIP in the Blue Room is fixed again, maybe yes - maybe no? Yesterday afternoon we had the maintenance guys come back. Now, we just need to wait for a rainstorm and put it to the real test. And then, after that ....... maybe we can deal with getting the black hole fixed.

TODAY: Good day for a fortnight lunch. It's been awhile - way more than a fortnight in fact. No idea where we're going or what we're going to be up to - but we're on our way out.

And ......... avoid getting caught up in one of those election campaign parades going through town.

Good to Go!


So this week kicks off the official start of the CAMPAIGN of POLITICAL PARTIES for Indonesia's Parliamentary (Federal) Election coming up on April 9th. Everyday now, up until the 5th of April, each of the 44 different parties will take turns parading through the streets. Honking horns and waving flags and wearing their brightly coloured T-shirts in an attempt to drum up support for their favorite candidate.

So, officially what this means to all the rest of us is ........... be prepared to get caught up in the traffic. Plan your route. And there is an actual official schedule for all of this.

..... can you imagine having to choose between 44 official parties. Wholly smokes. The Jakarta Post had a picture last week of what the voting ballot looks like. It's huge, like the size of a poster in fact - I can't even figure out how they're going to fold it up to get it in the ballot box.

TODAY: For starters - well, no big surprise, the DRIP, DRIP is back. Yup, pretty much rained all night - and now the leak in the Blue Room is turning into a steady stream. Actually, I don't think it ever really went away - just stopped raining for a bit. The little drip is now even bigger than before. And the black hole, has in fact, more than doubled in size.

And, seems last month we paid someone else's house phone bill by mistake. So, need to get that sorted out. The office inverted the numbers (phone number) on the bill and so when we paid it .......... well turns out we paid the bill for some other house. What I can't figure out is why our phone didn't get cut off - there is like a zero grace period here for anything. In fact, if you don't pay the Indovision (Satelite TV) bill on time, a warning will scroll across your TV screen telling you to pay up or be cut off. Not a bad plan actually. No body ever gets behind on their bills around here.

Ok, so guess it's time to for me head out in tropical rain that seems to have NO plan of easing up. Stay dry everyone - good day for duck suits.

Good to Go!


Who needs to go shopping when you have one of these guys out and about? And check out what he's got! Plastic dippers, strainers, kitchen knives, fake flowers and wooden spoons, little rugs for your front step and even a hand saw too. And doesn't even bother with VAT tax. Talk about being an entrepreneur. Cool. (VAT = Value Added Tax. Not sure how the value gets into that?)

And today is St. Patrick's Day too. Yes - it's celebrated over here too. I'm not sure where they got it from, but the girls from BIWA will be serving green beer tonight at the Travel Expo event. Might be a wee bit of Irish going on tonight ........ or maybe just a little luck.

TODAY: So yesterday turned into one of those days where I didn't seem to get anything done. WINK WINK. And for that reason - makes today a little more full and maybe even a little more fun.

Start out by picking up those paintings I should have already done. And figure out the where and how of hanging them.

Busy, busy day ahead. Here's goes..........

Good to Go!


Goodbye weekend. Back to real life. Can't pretend I'm on holidays anymore.

Another successful weekend ...... whipped by way to fast. Again. Funny how that happens. And a busy weekend it was too - but we did manage to get some down time in yesterday afternoon. Good deal for us!

The leak in the roof - I think is sort-of-fixed. Need to wait for a big rain storm to see if the repair job the maintenance guys did really works out. Still have the black hole in the ceiling but they were up in the attic for quite awhile doing something at least. Another one of those we'll see things I guess.

Now about the DURIAN. (See photo up above) It's a fruit believe it or not. And it's in season and they are everywhere. And it stinks. Really, really and lots. In fact in a lot of places this thing is banned or against the law. And for good reason too. There is no possible way to describe the smell of this thing - you've just got to experience it for yourself. Hard to believe they allow this thing in the supermarket.

TODAY: Much of the same. Errands this afternoon. It seems like we do a lot of errands around here ........ There's a LOT of stuff going on here at all times. And we like it like that.

Bought some really cool paintings on our holiday and need to make a run to the framing shop to pick them up. That's the easy part. Then we need to hang them up. Cement walls - gonna make that task a little tough. But ................

Good to Go!


Better grab a bucket. Cause the blue room ............ has sprung a leak. Ahhhh, we knew that was coming - didn't we? Just a matter of time and a little bit of rain of course. Can't wait to see how this gets fixed. My best guess - we're going to have a nice big orange tarp over the house for a bit. And at least for now - the rain has quit. I'm not sure where the maintenance guys are today - things have gotten a little sketchy around here the past week. Thank GOD we have a bucket at least.

NOTE: There is no such thing as preventative maintenance. And the drip, drip, drip ...... has been going on for months. Just like the one above our bed at night. (Can't wait till that one goes when we're sound asleep in the middle of the night.) But, need to wait until it actually makes a nice black hole in the ceiling and comes through before you can get it fixed.

Had a nice, nice night last night at the BBC. Got caught up. Met up with some other folks that have been away. Good to see you guys again. You're looking like you had a good trip. ....... and I understand you got a bonus day out of the trip. Too funny. Met some very nice people visiting from the UK too.

TODAY: Just might be a good day to hang out in the house. A good day for Scrabble and books and cleaning up the desk and maybe even an afternoon nap.

At least until latter on. The big Kaltim Panah Wind-up thing is happening tonight. Time to sharpen up the darts and finish this season up. Good darts everyone - good season - it was fun. See you all later tonight

Good to Go!


Good guess. You got it. Your right. Kuala Lumpur (KL) was our first and last stop. Did a few other places in between. This was my (our) first trip to KL. And easily fell in love with the place. It's so green and clean and has pretty much everything and anything a person could ever want. And the rest of the world could definitely take a lesson in multiculturalism from them too. Everyone just simply fits in. Black or white. Great place and I'd definitely go there again.

......... and so this is why we had to wait in the Jakarta airport to get home.

A Lion Air airplane flying from Makassar, South Sulawesi Province, skidded off the runway at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport on Monday, but no passengers were injured during the terrifying ordeal. It was the latest in a string of incidents within the country’s troubled aviation industry.

Heavy rain which showered the Greater Jakarta area had caused the runway to become slippery, and at around 3:30 p.m. as the MD-90 aircraft was landing, it skidded across the runway, going into a 180-degree spin before eventually stopping tail first in an open field.

Rescue workers immediately evacuated all 166 passengers and crew on board. Although traumatized by the ordeal, no one was hurt.

....... and to think that we were actually there at time and didn't even know. Hmmmm??? Hard to believe no one was hurt. On this side - everyone is seat belts off and up and out of their seats as soon as a wheel touches the ground.

Looks like we're going to have the perfect weather day around here. Suns out, a few fluffy popcorn clouds and a nice bit of wind. Just like living in the tropics - this is half of what it's all about. Love it. Great way to do a day.

The "Girls Night Out" was a total success - at least as far as I can tell. Open House was great. Good pick. Next time though ....... maybe I won't stay out quite so late. Was a bit of a s-l-o-w start to my day today.

Today: Oh heck it's Friday the 13th. Again? And possibly a BBC Night tonight.

Have some errands to run this afternoon and need to get out and collect some new pics. I should make a TO-DO-LIST too, but then that would just make way too much sense.

Good to Go!


Ok, so a bunch of you have been wondering about the holiday.

For starters I have to tell you - living in Balikpapan is great - but, it is a very isolating place, and every once in a while a person just has to get out. Out of here. And right now flying is super cheap to almost anywhere from here. (One of the few pluses to the Global Slowdown - all the airlines are trying to get people o fly.) And hotels etc., etc. have some pretty good deals going on right now too. For us - that's great!

To say the least our holiday was fantastic! Except for plane ride #1 with the kids from HELL. I'm sure 6 kids should NOT be jumping over top the seats on the plane or screaming their heads off the whole trip. No wonder their parents had to fight with them to put the seat belts on when we landed - "..... you let them go wild the whole time leading up to it". Doh!

Everything got better after that. Even all the time spent waiting in the airports didn't match that. We had a fabulous view of the Andaman Sea for the majority of our trip. (yesterday's photo) And even did the photo thing in front of some very, very tall towers. (today's photo) Can you guess? Collected sand, sunburns and loads of photos too. Did some real shopping, ate lots of pizza and just pretty much acted like tourists on the loose. It was great. And the best part of the whole trip - was hanging out with some of our very best friends. Thanks so much to both of you guys - you're the best!

Today: Still working on coming out of the holiday trance. Maybe tomorrow? or maybe the next?

I have no idea what I'm doing today. But tonight is Girls Night Out. Going to meet up at a place called Open House. And we'll see what happens from there. Sorry other Me - you're on your own tonight.

Good to Go!


Hooray for holidays. A little tired, a bit way too much sun, a whole bunch of fun and ..... I'm back. Back from a really great trip. 7 plane rides later (that's 7 ups and 7 downs by the way) and a whole bunch of airport time - and you know your back in Balikpapan when - the electricity goes out. Again and again and again. Welcome back to Balikpapan. Good to be back.

....... and there's a lot to be said for sleeping in your own bed. And having your own favorite pillow too. Next time I might pack that. (The pillow - not the bed)

...... and Air Asia does in fact make you pay for all the stuff that weighted your suitcases down after a big shopping trip. Oooops!

Suitcases are all unpacked and everything is almost put away. Except for the pile of English language books that are sitting on the desk right now. One must stock up on those when you're away. Get lots and lots. Enough to make your suitcases go over Air Asia's legal limit in suitcase weight. Anyways we needed them - got lots of reading time in while we were away.

Looks like all is good here in town. Nothing new that I can tell. Except for the new building that's taking shape for the brand new Etam place. Things all look the same - and pretty much feels the same too. Hot, muggy and looks like rain.

Updates from the last post:

1. The little cat - has a new home. And that's a good thing. Definitely don't need anymore cats hanging out at this house.

2. The kitchen tap - fixed. Not quite right - but good enough.

3. The kitchen cupboard door - fixed. Again - I think.

4. The Bocce Ball hunt - not yet. Back on. I have not given up. Not yet.

Tomorrow: Get back to what sort-of feels like normal around here. Back to regular Balikpapan life. See you then everyone.

Good to Go!