Ok, this whole keeping fish as pets thing is turning into a bloody mess. What was I thinking?

So what started out as an inexpensive fish bowl and two tiny little fish - has now turned into ............ first a new replacement fish, and then yesterday, an actual aquarium to keep them in, a pump for the new said aquarium, special water for the aquarium and a jerry can to haul the special water in. A splitter wall receptacle thingy for the plug-in, and now believe it it or not, I still need an electrical extension cord to actually plug it all in. Which and of course, in Balikpapan - you can't actually buy one of them. You have to build it. Some electrical cable and two ends.

........ and, now that we have an aquarium, slightly bigger than the original fish bowl we started with - I just have this feeling, when the other Me gets back into town, we're going to end up heading out this weekend and getting more fish.

What was I thinking?

A couple other things: The cat that is (was) attached to our house, is so fed up with with all the rest of the little ones that keep hanging about. She's pretty much moved out. Found a new house to hang at for awhile - but at least she comes for a visit every now and then.

A huge fire in Balikpapan Tuesday night. In Kampung Baru Ujung. Way on the other side of town - where the houses are mostly built from wood and very, very tightly packed in. Where one house fire very quickly and easily almost immediately turns into 10. Last count I heard was 100.

TODAY: I'm busy. Busy with a whole bunch of stuff.

And here's an interesting thing, something that came in my in-box this morning.

90 people get the Swine Flu and everybody wants to wear a mask.
Millions of people have AIDS and no one wants to wear a condom.

Hmmmm. Thanks for reading everyone.

Good to Go!

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