Yesterday was (Ascension Day) another one of those Red Calendar Days here - that means public holiday. Public Holiday number (?) - I don't know what. We have lots of holidays here.

Ok, so about yesterday's fish. Lets just say they were a present. A Happy Something Day kind of gift. Might even go down as a "Remember the year you gave me the fish?" thing. Long story - but let's just say these guys have moved in with us. Kinda like having new room mates I guess.

So some background on the fish. Except that one's orange and the other one black - I have no idea what kind they are or where they originate from. They were not bought off the back of a motorcycle, but they were displayed along with a whole bunch of other fish (*parana) hung up in neat little rows in their nice clear plastic bags. (see photo here) Clear plastic bags are used for selling just about anything and everything here. Water, ice, drinks, snacks, etc. etc. and fish.

Anyways - so now we are tasked with naming these fish. These guys have no names as of yet. I like to call them Fish 1 and Fish 2. (no idea which one is which) The other Me's not too crazy about that. Any suggestions out there? Names for fish?

* To my surprise (and I'm not sure why I would/should be surprised by this) (scared the %#@! out of me in fact) as I went up for a closer look - they tried to attack. These things have teeth. Big ones in fact. Who in their right mind would ever want to have that in their fish tank? Geeeeez - I'm sure if you didn't keep a lid on the tank they'd jump out and get you in fact.

We got to see the new Star Trek movie last night. (pirated copy of course) And, I think they did a pretty darn good job of it too. No, I don't have a uniform hanging in my closet and I can't speak Klingon either, but, I am one of those fans who grew up watching the inescapable after-school reruns over and over and over again. Didn't you? If you haven't yet - do yourself a favor and go see it.

TODAY: Lots of stuff!!! First off I need to get the hand phone bill and pay it before it gets cut off. And that entails getting in the queue with everyone else. (God I miss internet banking) Oh well that's just the way it is here I guess.

Live long and prosper all you fish. TGIF!

Good to Go!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lessee, here's some famous pairs:

Bogey & Bacall
Jake & Elwood
Tom & Jerry
Milo & Stich
Batman & Robin
Thelma & Louise

There's a start!