PERFECT: Suns out and we have Internet.

THE PERFECT FIX: Well (?) ....... maybe, not too sure yet about that. So the internet Gods were at it again. Yesterday was a NO internet day around here. The whole day. Cut off from the rest of the world. .......... nice surprise this morning though, to see we've got it back. And possible a little faster too. Give it some time though and then we'll see about that.

THE PERFECT FIT: The drawer insert thing-am-a-gig cutlery thing is now a perfect fit. Not sure how they did that so quick, but it's a fit. They re-sized something (?) and now it fits. No more forks messing with the spoons.

THE PERFECT MATCH: The new bookshelf arrived. And a perfect match (size, colour, shape and all that other stuff) to the ones we already had. If we keep this up we'll end up with no wall space left. (I don't think you can ever have too many book shelves.) Still need to load it up with all the good junk stuff.

THE PERFECT BIRTHDAY GIFT: Ok, nothing beats picking out (designing) your own Birthday Gift - totally inspired by the other Me. (The other Me rocks!) Yes, it was in fact my birthday a number of weeks ago (maybe tomorrow I'll tell you about that). Anyways, I know it's taken me awhile, but - yesterday I finally did it. Yup, I did it. Bought 1 diamond, 2 blue sapphires, 2 emeralds and a peridot. Now I'm just waiting for them to get set. It's journey thing. Promise, I'll post a photo when I get it.

PURRR - FECT: (?) Not sure why, but lately there's a whole lot of cats thinking they should live at our house. Why is that?

TODAY: Is PERFECT and already going by fast. And I have a whole bunch of catching up on things to do.

Need to get our favorite AC fixed. Over-use is starting to take it's toll on it. Think maybe the bearings are all worn out. Have the perpetual high pitch hummmmm going on here, that you can hear everywhere in this house. Hope they can fix it - PERFECT.

Tonight is the start of 3 nights out in a row (not including last night). Tonight - girls night out. Tomorrow - a big birthday bash. And Saturday - the BIWA Food Fair event.


Good to Go!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your jewels sound beautiful!

You must have a lot of stuff or books, or both!

I'm sure the spoons are glad there are no forks involved.

It must be too hot and sticky there to be without your AC. It is in Texas, for SURE!

Cats gravitate to kind people. TALK to them, you might be surprised.

What a PERFECT post!