Ok, so just a quick little bit about the lake (photo). This is Danau (lake) Linow in the Minahasa Highlands. Same place as the I PREDICT - DAY NO. 1 photo. New photo though, from the recent trip. Danau Linow is quite a beautiful and strange place. (Just like MAGIC.)It's a sulfuric lake that changes colours. Although I've only ever seen it green (differing shades of green), I'm told it's sometimes red or sometimes blue. I'd like to see that - guess I'm just going to have to make the trip back.

Good day yesterday - got a whole ton of stuff done. Everything on the list and then some. The 'and then some' includes taking care of (repair and paint) a little bit of an scratch (it was small) that we ended up with on the front of the vehicle. And I'm in total shock of the great job they did and fast (less than 5 hours) and cheap. Very nice in fact. There's some things you just gotta love about this place!

TODAY: Up and out of here early this morning. Making a trip to the other side of town. The other Me thinks I need a present from Gems Blue Sapphire. Who can argue with - sounds good to me.

Good to Go!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I LOVE Blue Sapphire! It is my birthstone.

Thanks for your posts! They're always interesting!