Feels like Monday all over again. Snuck up on me and now here it is.

Thank you for inventing the Internet. (and the backpack) Although we're still having all kinds of issues with it (the usual ones - like it doesn't work most of the time), it's still number 1. And because of that I got to do the face to face Skype thing with one of my favorite sons (and some other special people too) - now if I could just do that with the other favorite one.

Note: The backpack. Ever noticed how almost everyone in the world has one?

So Me and the other Me had a really nice weekend (together). Spent more than 24 hours together in the same house. (been awhile since we got to do that) Nice. Quite likely a quiet precursor of what's to come. Busy days ahead, comings and goings for both of us - unfortunately though, not the same time or the same place.

How the weekend went. (not necessarily in any order)

:: Fed the cat.
:: Started a new book. (starts with Dear Mr. Premier - so far a good book)
:: Fell in love with the Apple TV and listened to music all afternoon.
:: Went to a Farewell Party.
:: Found out there's going to be another Farewell Party here real soon, and another one.
:: Drank too much wine. (again) (and, by now you'd think I'd know better than that)
:: Sprayed for ants. (again)
:: Booked a hotel room. (and confirmed)
:: Picked up plane tickets.
:: Listened to my favorite hockey team loose a Playoff Game over the Internet. (sad, sad, sad - so sad)
:: Crawled into bed and watched a movie in the middle of the afternoon. (enjoyed that)
:: And had an nap. (enjoyed that too)
:: Fed the cat. (again)
:: Ate too many perogies. (yes, I can cook)
:: Invented sour cream. (not really) (but I'd like to think I did - at least now I know how it's done, so simple in fact)
:: Watched F1. (and yet again J. Button is #1)
:: Fed the cat. (fat cat)

Ah, the ducks - at Manggar Beach. You can rent them. Like that's going to save your life out in the sea. I think NOT. But I bet their a whole lot of fun. I'd love to see them all out in the water together - all 30+ of them.

TODAY: Given that I pretty much did whatever I liked over the weekend - my Monday is now stacked up with a whole bunch of stuff I need to do (note, not want to). And with any luck, today I might even get my hair done.

Ok, gotta run.

Good to Go!

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