Move over 'Friday the 13th', you're done - it's time for Valentines.

Last night, the stars and planets must have aligned themselves. I don't know how it happened. I played the best darts I have ever played in my life last night. Wholly crap! 13 must be my lucky number. Love it. Love it. I just hope people realize that's probably never happening again. But I'll take it. BULLS EYE.

Great lunch with the girls yesterday. We went to, what I would call, a really cool place. A place called SEASIK. Pretty funky name for a restaurant don't you think? Probably scares a few people off - but it was an awesome place. And the food was great. So the SEA part of the name refers to the fish/seafood on the menu and the SIK, is for the Society of Indonesian Culinary Arts. I'd have to say these guys are pretty brave using a name like that. Good on them don't you think?

TODAY: Looks like we got the rain out of the way early this morning. That's great. Sun's on the way out.

Heading out to pick up all the stuff we're going to need for the PIZZA COOK OFF. Yup, we're having a pizza making party. And I have to say - I have never used yeast in my life, nor do we have a dough recipe. Better get on the net. Better get surfing for that. Not real sure how this is going to work out - but we're gonna give it a shot.

Happy Weekend - Happy Valentine's.

Good to Go!

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