Well had a pretty busy day yesterday. One of those days when things just don't go as fast as you'd like. One of those 3 steps forward and 2 steps back kinda days - at least that's how it felt. Turns out I was going forward all the time. Forward thinking. Just didn't know it. And that's the kind of day it was.

Special note to someone in Wyoming: You probably noticed that I deleted your comment - thought it might be best not to share your user name, etc. with all the rest of the folks out there on the net. I also know you have a whole bunch friends around here that miss you a great deal too. And yes I checked out your Blog - thanks for the Bahasa English part. And all your cool photos too. (I love pictures of snow) And a big thank you for all your kind words regarding my little space in the world of Blogs. Very flattering in fact. Peek in any time you like. Stay warm and enjoy the snow.

On a side note - there's an interesting little article in yesterday's Jakarta Post. "Bad weather to continue until April" Claims it's the El Nino effect, I didn't know we were in the middle of that. They use the words "torrential" and "storms". "Beach areas will suffer the worst weather...." (and Balikpapan does have a beach - a whole bunch in fact.) And here all along I thought it was called the Rainy Season. And for today, not sure what the forecast is, but for now at least ...... the sun's out.

TODAY: Hmmmm. Not sure, but I'm on my way out.

Good to Go!

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