Pizza .............. that was good. In fact we actually made 4 of them. Good enough to almost open up a pizza shop. We had fun and it tasted good too - even though we did cook a couple of them a little bit too much. (slightly crisp) Managed to clean up all the mess we made and figured out how to use Instant Yeast too. Found a pretty simple pizza dough recipe on the Internet. This is a pretty cool website Cooks. Com Lots of really good recipes that all sorts of people send in. Check it out.

Better take a step back in all of this. There's not a lot of places to get a pizza in this town. So sometimes, you've just gotta figure it out for yourself. And, with the help of a few friends - we did just that.

Oh yeah - the red stuff. Well of course we had to re-invent the Daiquiri to go along with all the rest.

TODAY: Pool is closed for maintenance - so forget that. (and I was in fact ready for it this time too)

New license for the car - CHECK.

Fill up on benzin - CHECK.

A small project I needed to do - CHECK.

Sunshine - CHECK.

This day's rocking and it's still the morning too. Here's hoping the other Me is having the same success. CHECK.

Good to Go!

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