TO BEE OR NOT........

Friday right? All kinds of good things happening around here, nothing in particular, but ..........

Maybe it's that holiday coming up.

Ok, so how do you like the photo of the big bee? Yes, it really was big. (It was that big) Big like in giant. I like this photo, and I didn't have to go far to get it either. Just outside the door in fact. That's what happens when you keep too many plants I guess. Amazingly, it sat there long enough for me run back in the house and grab the camera too. Amazingly, it sat there long enough for me focus, aim and ......... and run back in the house and grab the camera card and start the whole thing all over again - I have such a bad habit of that. Amazingly, I didn't have to run back in the house after getting bit. But I left that door open anyways - just in case. I actually don't know if it even can bite - or what it is, to bee or not, but .........

And yes, if your starting to thing I'm building a collection of bug and insect shots. You're right. But purely all by accident. I do not scout these things out - they come find me.

TODAY: Finally resigned myself to the fact that no matter what time you get up in the morning - it always seems to do the disappearing act. Fast. Fast. Fast.

....... and just when you get one project out of the way another one comes up. How can anyone possibly be bored in this place? More stuff to do.

Off on a couple of missions this afternoon. And later tonight ............ off to some unknown spot. I think it's going to be another one of those funky food places. Good thing you had a big lunch other Me. ............. and after that maybe the BBC? We'll see - we'll just let this day happen.

Good to Go!

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