You know you're in Balikpapan when ............ it rains like crazy and people get to wear their Pajamas to work. Yup, 2 p.m. at my favorite photocopy shop. You can't help but like that.
The hair event yesterday - went pretty well. I think? The massage was great! And apparently in another 6 months she (my favorite hairdresser) says I'll have hair just like Farah Fawcett. Hmmm? Not too sure about that. We'll see I guess. I should have bet her on that.
Darts - not sure what's up with that. Seems the less I practice - the better I get - my dart throwing ability seems to be going up. I'll take it. I'm actually kinda impressed in fact. And I can hit that darn bulls eye too! Too bad our team didn't get our acts together a little bit sooner. The season is pretty much done, and we didn't seem to play a whole lot - only a couple weeks left now before the big End of Season event.
No new tap in the kitchen sink (Maybe tomorrow perhaps). Didn't think I'd see one of those any time soon. And not sure if this is related or not, but, the maintenance guys decided to drop off another skinny little cat yesterday afternoon. Not sure who they're feeling more sorry for us or the cat. "Cat with No Tail". Just what we needed another darn cat. Stop with all the cats already you guys!!
TODAY: Think Holiday. Last post for this month. Cats, taps and kitchen sinks - will deal with all that later when I get back - in a couple of weeks.
Time to go everyone. Checking out.
Good to Go!