DOWNTURN. I am not even going to go there. We all get enough of that on CNN. But it does provide the perfect opportunity for me to show off one of Balikpapan's many, many road signs. (Not a lot of traffic lights here, and considering that the electric is frequently OFF, they don't really work anyways.)

These signs and their counterparts (the ones without the line through it) are everywhere here in Balikpapan - and a big necessity too. It's doesn't take long to figure out how they work either. U-turns or turn-abouts, are a big part of the driving (motoring about) experience here. Basically almost all the roads here are long, long distances, and where ever you're aiming to go, is always on the other side of the road. So you wait till you find a spot where the U-turn is allowed. Turn around and drive all the way back. (Note: Balikpapan is not a big city - but twice the distance to almost everywhere you want to go.)

Not much to report on here today. I have however decided that Roger Hodgson's Supertramp song "It's Raining Again" should be Balikpapan's theme song of the month. Yup, it's raining again. ............... but it's green. And there is no snow.

TODAY: Back on the ORG PLAN, and whatever else happens to come about. There's a new version of the Billiards Tournament going on tonight. Might have to check that out.

.......... and just as suspected - yes, the price of beer went up. But at least they have some. Lots in fact.

Ok, Good to Go!

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