Off to a great start this sunny Balikpapan Friday. Have done all my reading this morning; emails, blogs, 2 newspapers* (scroll down and I'll explain about that), and I've even managed a chapter in the book club book.

About the white envelope mission yesterday. No, that didn't quite work out - least not in the way I had initially thought. But, when in Indonesia - do as the Indonesian do. Find another way. So I did just that. All good in fact. ........... and I just know in about another month or so from now - every darn envelope in town will end up being the colour white. (today every shop I went to will be ordering white envelopes in the off chance the bule [me] comes back) All good.

Gulash: Toronto asks, "How is it that you are from North America but you know good old fashioned Gulyas. Isn't that Hungarian dish?"

It's actually my mother-in-law's recipe. (Thank you Mother) Hungarian? I have no idea about that. She's not Hungarian. And as far as I know - all recipes in North America come from somewhere else. Except for maybe beef jerky, poutine, ceasars or bannok. And then there's my Aunt Margaret's recipe for "Baked Gopher". I actually think she was joking about that (I hope) - but she did submit it into the family cookbook. Page 42 in fact. And I can assure you - I have never, nor will I ever; try that.

*2 newspapers - in one day. Ok, well first off the English language newspaper we have here come from Jakarta (The Jakarta Globe). Delivered on a plane that comes in at 4 o'clock (p.m.) and then raced over to our house via motorcycle by the newspaper man. Not sure what happened yesterday. Either (A) he took Wednesday off. Or (B) they didn't fly the paper in that day. Anyways, yesterday he delivered both of them as he has never missed a day. ...... and now I have 2 crossword puzzles for today.

TODAY: I'm not exactly certain how I'll spend the rest of this day, except for the Darts Open the Season event that's happening later tonight. This will be one of those wide open days. I might just carry on doing the same thing I've been doing all morning in fact.

I might even manage to do those 2 (two) crossword puzzles from those newspapers today. I'm actually stuck (crossword puzzle #1) on 8 Across - a five letter word for an epicurean event. Hmmmmm.

Oh yeah. TAMBAL means patch. Bet you can figure out what they do at that little shop.

Have a great Friday.

Good to Go!


Anonymous said...

Haha, thanks for the explanation. I thought you guys are Hungarian-Canadian or Hungarian-American and "lost" in Balikpapan ;-)

For pronunciation of Balikpapan, the K isnt silent K, btw. They do say it BaliKpapan, just so you know. But I guess you already know by now since it was posted in 2008 :)

Have fun there!

SueFitz said...

Congrats on your blogoversary!

Great pictures

Teena in Toronto said...

Happy blogoversary!