....... as promised - the Furniture Salesman out selling his wares.

Ahhhh - Friday at last. And a long weekend too. Long as in L-O-N-G. Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and possibly Wednesday too. Not exactly sure when it starts or ends. There is the official version (government) and then there's the Muslim version (which correlates with the fazes of the moon). For some people though - it started today at noon.

Anyways, a long weekend ahead of us and sure looking forward to it. Starting tomorrow, possibly in the p.m. - we're giving the staff a whole bunch of days off. That means no driver (everything's closed anyways) and no housekeeper* too.

Why (?) you ask would one be looking forward to that? As much as I/we do love having them here with us (and they are the best) sometimes you just need a rest. Every once in awhile it's nice to step out of the shower without the bucket of cleaning supplies waiting on the other side of the door beckoning you to hurry your little (big) butt up and get dressed. Sometimes, you need to wash your own clothes. (not really) And sometimes you need to cook your own food. (yes!) And sometimes you just need to clean up your own mess.

Now that being said - in a couple of days I'll probably need to come back here and re-read that last paragraph I just wrote. Did I ever tell you the story about the one and only time I attempted to wash a load of laundry in that very strange looking washing machine we have here, all by myself .............. (?)

*housekeeper - more commonly known as the house manager around here.

TODAY: Ok, so like the dumbie (doh) that I am ................. this morning, I took on another one of those help-the-world-projects. Actually it's a very, very small thing if you're measuring it on the world scale. But. For a very good reason and I just know if I don't step up to the plate on this one and do what I do .............. well whatever, at least I'll be doing something that I love to do.

Pretty much the whole day has whizzed past already. Already way into the afternoon. I have a couple things left to get finished and do. Like wish a special someone a very BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! (love you) and then I'm off. Promised I'd buy a friend a beer - you know, the one disguised in a coffee cup.

It's hot out and I'm thirsty too. Happy Friday!

Good to Go!

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