Exciting news for all us Balikpapan-ites! On 09.09.09 (tomorrow) a new place is opening up. The E-Walk at Balikpapan Superblok. Not exactly sure what an E-Walk is. (?) (interesting name) And certainly won't be going by there tomorrow to find out. We'll wait a few days and let the crowd thin out before we try that.

But just the same ............... the sign out front - has the Starbucks on it. And a Dunkin Donuts too! Wholly - can this possibly be true?

Side Note: The future home of the Jolly Rogers, still way in the future I guess. Not a thing has happen there in the past year - just a few more vines and climby plants to cover everything up.

TODAY: New wheels - as in tires (roda). The whole entire afternoon to myself (nice) and Book Group get together later tonight (even nicer yet).

Have a good one. Good to Go!

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