Check out this guy. He was lurking around out the kitchen window the other morning. His name is BIAWAK. Pronounced: BE-A-WALK. Usually he's pretty shy, lying in wait in the gutters out front, but with all the quietness around here over the long weekend he must have decided it was safe to venture out. As mean as he looks - he's pretty harmless and mostly scared of anything and everything that moves.

It's still feeling a little bit like the weekend around here. A lot of people took the whole week off. In fact a number of local businesses have pretty much closed up shop until after next weekend too. These guys know how have a holiday I think.

TODAY: Yeah! The housekeeper is back. Nice surprise this morning when we saw the full coffee pot. (We are spoiled - aren't we?)

Very much a raining off and on all morning with a mix of some intense sun around here today. And for a change that's a good thing. The perfect weather day. Even the trees are enjoying it.

I have a full day of hanging in the office with a bunch of stuff to do. The Things To Do list - is getting attacked. Well, slowly. Starting to put a few check marks on some of the things listed there. It's setting up to be a pretty good day I think.

Good to Go!

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