So over the weekend, I happened across a few interesting photo opportunities of which I shall share over the next couple of days. Including a close up of the "tail-gone-missing-mini-dragon" that we (me and the cat) spotted lolly-gagging around in our little garden yesterday. Be sure to stop back later this week and check them out.
Today - instead. I'm just going to vent a little bit. About houseplants and such. About a little issue I've been having trying to keep the houseplants in and the non ones out. You see (above) I'm having a bit of a struggle with this lately.
The above is not an in-door houseplant nor is it even in a flower pot. So - to the dear house keeper (who we do love a lot) please stop. Please stop bringing in (trading out-door for in-door) flower pots with earthworms and other creepy crawly things in them that wiggle themselves out of these pots in the wee hours of the night and commit suicide on the cold tile floors.
Yes, I know this is a rather trivial thing. And by now I'm sure you're all thinking "spoilt". Yes I am and trust me ever time I see an earthworm crawling across the floor - I know it.
TODAY: Meeting in the morning. And. Meeting in the afternoon.
Replace the said extension cord we use each and every morning to plug in the coffee pot. (?) Perhaps a bit of a power surge over the weekend that has pretty much melted it and done it in.
Try and super-glue into place all the remaining flower pots.
Good to Go!
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1 comment:
Good you have plants. My only plant,the cactus that I have been growing from seed for the last 14 years just died. I guess it did not like the salt air - or maybe being uprooted too many times when it kept getting knocked over.
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