Busy time in Balikpapan. All kinds of stuff going on. Of course Halloween this weekend. And for a place that doesn't actually even acknowledge this, you'd hardly even know it. And it's not just the kids that are having fun either. I should point out - there are no Halloween treats (candy), store bought costumes or BIG orange Pumpkins here. You pretty much have to improvise for almost all of it.
Tuesday coming up is the Melbourne Cup. (Aussie horse race) And that's a big deal (*hat) day too. And next weekend is the BIWA Christmas Bazaar. (hard to believe we're at that point already) Not hard to be busy around here.
*hat - I'll explain the hat part come Tuesday.
YESTERDAY: Lunched with the girls. It has been a long time since we did that. A very long time in fact. And it was really nice. Really enjoyed that.
TODAY: Clean-up time in the office. What a mess! Sheesh. A Birthday Cake gathering this afternoon. Some things I should have done yesterday and a Halloween Party at Yuli's tonight.
Christmas Bazaar,
Melbourne Cup

I'm still doing the all over the map sort-of thing, but for the moment - I'm here.
TODAY: Whew! Been a busy one. And, pretty much done.

By the way - it's not raining in the day-time pic. It's called smog. Jakarta Smog. And it really isn't even that bad. (least not for Jakarta, anyway) And just so you know, in Balikpapan if it's not raining - the sky is blue. There's definitely a lot to be said for a small place.
Ok, so about the all over the map bit. Well, here's the deal. I am going to be all over the map for the next couple of weeks. Doing all kinds of stuff. So ............ the Blog as you will soon see, is going to take a backseat to all the rest. That doesn't mean I'm calling it quits or anything like that. It just means I might not be very consistent over the next little bit. (just trying to give you a little heads-up about that)
Question of the day? What's the heck is up with Garuda these days? Why are all their planes late? Hours and hours late in fact! Nothing like sitting in and waiting in the airport.
TODAY: Drink lots of green tea in between all the other stuff I need to do.
Ok, Good to Go!
green tea,

*Bocce Ball: Never did manage to find or get some made here. These we brought back from North American with us.
TODAY: Big sunshine day around here today.
And I'm tagging along with the other Me today. Going to the big city.
Good to Go!
Bocce Ball,

SWEET: Some really good friends I have here and some very special gifts they gave me yesterday. One of which is now hanging at the front door. And another one, on my wrist. Sweet! You guys rock! (least last night you sure did [new band playing at Yuli's Pizza House] along with a whole lot of other folks too)
GREEN: My second attempt at home grown lettuce here. The first try was a wash. The garden flooded out in the rain and I suspect all those little seeds ended up down the got (sewer) and washed out to sea. So far so good this time round - this time we're trying it in a flowerpot. Time will tell I guess. We'll see.
CURIOSITY: NASA - shooting the moon. (?) More like messing with the moon perhaps. (?) What do the rest of you think about that?
TODAY: Organize. Track down a few items I need for some festivities we're having tomorrow. Make pie. (2) Put on long sleeves. I know I can't believe it either - it's raining and it's 25°. (It's cold today) That's about 10 degrees less than what we're normally used to.
......... and just because it's the weekend. Here's some items off the YOU KNOW YOU'VE BEEN IN ASIA TOO LONG IF list, that showed up in my In Box this week.
:: You own a rice cooker.
:: You find it saves time to stand and retrieve your cabin baggage while the plane is on final approach.
:: A bathroom with four attendants is so disgustingly filthy that you wouldn't step into it back home ........ and one of those attendants sole job is to hand you flimsy, single-ply toilet paper to dry your hands with.
:: You're willing to pay to use a toilet you wouldn't go to within a kilometer of at home.
:: The footprints on the toilet seat are your own.
:: You can shake your hands almost perfectly dry before wiping them on your pants.
Good to Go!
NASA and the moon,

Today's photo - just a little street scene I happened to get a photo of yesterday. We actually pulled over just so we could a good pic of these guys going by. (the driver, I'm sure, thinks I'm a little bit nuts. But that's Ok, by now I think, he's pretty much gotten used to me) They were running - out getting some exercise. I'm not entirely sure what BRIMOB stands for. (?) Police? Military? Or perhaps, something in between. Maybe one of you guys out there knows?
TODAY: No rain today. A full day of sun. That's a bit of treat.
Ok, that's it, have a great weekend everyone.
Good to Go!
The gardeners got me so pee-ed off this morning, I forgot to to tell you all, explain, why I deleted that comment that showed up yesterday in the COMMENT SPOT.
This is MY Blog. And this is an AD FREE blog. So please don't try and advertise the sale of your NFL T-shirts or anything else here.
Anyways, check this out. Supertramp rocks. And so does this video. (thanks Robyn)
......... by the way - if I was to Take the Long Way Home - it probably would involve flying past the North Pole. And just so you know, I don't think penguins actually live there.
Good to Go!
This is MY Blog. And this is an AD FREE blog. So please don't try and advertise the sale of your NFL T-shirts or anything else here.
Anyways, check this out. Supertramp rocks. And so does this video. (thanks Robyn)
......... by the way - if I was to Take the Long Way Home - it probably would involve flying past the North Pole. And just so you know, I don't think penguins actually live there.
Good to Go!
North Pole and penguins,

And about the tail (?) Gone missing perhaps (?) No idea - maybe the cat knows something about that.
This just in!!!! Just happened to look out the side door and see ............ the dam gardeners have chopped down all my flowers. AGAIN!!! For @#$! sakes! I thought I asked you not to do that anymore. (?) (?) @#$! I don't normally get too upset about stupid things - but geeze ................. Do you have any idea how long I've been trying to get them to look like that?
We now have little sticks ..... where all the flowers had been. And there isn't a single solitary bloom left out there anymore! And hardly even a single leaf left in what I used to refer to as the hedge. I'm sure you all (gardens) think you're saving yourself a whole bunch of work - like not having to come back over here for a long time again. Ahhhhhhhhhh....................
TODAY: I'm attempting bread. Making some. Maybe. We'll see
We finally have a little reprieve from the rain today. Perhaps (?) Never know - cloud filled sky this morning - never know about that around here. Maybe we'll be back to more rain come this afternoon. Anyways - it's all a good thing. Things are looking green. Scatch that out, scratch out GREEN - at my house all we have left is twigs!
If I had more time I'd post a pic of what those darn gardeners just did. Maybe tomorrow. Ok, Sorry - I've had enough of this for today.
Gotta Go!

Sometimes - the funniest and weirdest things happen around here. By coincidence. Yesterday, as I was patiently (yes, I can do patient*) waiting for the internet/blogger to load the daily post - I caught something out of the corner of my eye peeking in the window, looking in at me. And although that wouldn't exactly be all that uncommon around here - this time it was. This time it was not a person, it was Billy. Billy the goat in fact. A kambing.
Checking in on yesterday's photo of his bar-b-qued cousin perhaps?
So my first thought was to run and get the camera - cause, nobody's ever going to believe this. By now - I'm sure you're all thinking that I made this whole thing up. As I myself would do. And as I thought (think) all of you might too. So - by the time I ran and got the camera, ran and got new batteries for it, and then had to run and get a camera card for it too, I pretty much blew that photo op. By the time I got my you know what straightened out - Billy had already run around the house and was hiding out the back. Chewing up all trees. (see photo above)
I think he was a little freaked out perhaps. As I would be too. After seeing that shocking photo, of the terrible fate that awaits him.
Strange but true. A few interesting things I should point out about all of the above.
#1 - I know nothing about goats. Except that they make great cheese and in Indonesia they're called kambing.
#2 - How in the heck did Billy find his way in? Snuck past the security gate (?) jumped the 2 meter high fence (?) Hmmmmm.
#3 - I swear, I have not made any of this up. (except for the part about his name and the part about him actually seeing the photo of his kin) Enough stuff happens around here, that you never need to make stories up. Strange but true.
* Patient. Patience is a virtue here. You have to do patient to live here.
TODAY: The other Me is away for the day. Up the road in fact. And I sure hope you took your duck suit with you. It's raining today. It's really raining today.
Today, a little bit of Illustrator and a bit of Photoshop. Tomorrow, I'll finally get to the "tail-gone-missing-mini-dragon". So make sure and check back. Thanks for reading.
Good to Go!
Billy goats,
Illustrator and Photoshop,

Needless to say - neither me or the other Me could bring ourselves to actually eating it. Did I mention I had fish? Oh well, at least they had cold beer.
This morning I noticed a couple of guys over at the *Martha/Joy's empty-in-the-morning parking lot. With metal detectors in hand - you know the type you look for buried treasure with. Somebody, must have lost their keys last night. (?)
On an entirely different note - and just so you know I don't really do a whole lot of web surfing, pretty much can't because of our wonderful internet that mostly works like crap. But, I did come across this, Days With My Father. This is a project, done by photographer Philip Toledano - it's the story of a father/son relationship. Anyways, it's pretty cool, with beautiful photography - at least that's what I think.
*Martha's and Joy's are like [world] famous Balikpapan drinking spots. And been here forever I think too.
TODAY: Home-made soup for lunch. Is there any other kind? Not in Balikpapan at least. Unless you like Campbells tomato. (about $2 a can)
It's raining today - a wee bit. A Balikpapan style of a wee bit anyways. And the temperature +28c. No dripping in the house just yet.
Please note: that the dripping sound we hear up in the roof at our house (almost all the time) - will never stop. And will never be really fully fixed. Around here, as long as it (the rain) does not come in - then considered fixed. Good enough.
Good to Go!
Campbells soup,

Today - instead. I'm just going to vent a little bit. About houseplants and such. About a little issue I've been having trying to keep the houseplants in and the non ones out. You see (above) I'm having a bit of a struggle with this lately.
The above is not an in-door houseplant nor is it even in a flower pot. So - to the dear house keeper (who we do love a lot) please stop. Please stop bringing in (trading out-door for in-door) flower pots with earthworms and other creepy crawly things in them that wiggle themselves out of these pots in the wee hours of the night and commit suicide on the cold tile floors.
Yes, I know this is a rather trivial thing. And by now I'm sure you're all thinking "spoilt". Yes I am and trust me ever time I see an earthworm crawling across the floor - I know it.
TODAY: Meeting in the morning. And. Meeting in the afternoon.
Replace the said extension cord we use each and every morning to plug in the coffee pot. (?) Perhaps a bit of a power surge over the weekend that has pretty much melted it and done it in.
Try and super-glue into place all the remaining flower pots.
Good to Go!
Houseplants with worms

The earthquakes in Indonesia this week have been devastating to say the very least. You should all see what we're seeing on our TV. Not quite the same as on BBC or CNN. And so happy we live in our little place in Balikpapan where not much happens - least nothing like this.
Yesterday - was not one of my better days. It happens. Frustrated with some stuff I'm suppose to be getting done. I was grumpy I guess. I was very grumpy in fact. Not to worry though, that was the first part of the day - it got much better after that.
TODAY: The other Me decided I needed a sleep-in this morning. And I did. I think the other Me is the one that actually needed the sleep-in - and I don't doubt he's wishing it could have been him.
This weekend in Balikpapan is the SPE Weekend. The SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) golf tournament thing is happening in town this weekend. And pretty much anybody and everyone will be at that. Golf today and the big banquet tonight.
Tomorrow another F1 Sunday. The F1 people are trying to mess with us I think. Firstly it hasn't been the customary every 2nd weekend and this time the race is at 1 p.m. Hmmmm - still trying to sort out how we're going to do that. (?) This is going to be a very exciting race. My Jensen Button - might just finish things up for the season and take first place. All he need to do is come in at least fourth in this race. Go Button!
Have a happy weekend. Good to Go!
Jakarta Globe,
Jensen Button,

TODAY: As declared by UNESCO a world heritage - today is BATIK INDONESIA Day.
Have a good one. Gotta go.
Good to Go!

Hello October. Wholly - Molely! (I'm not even sure how to spell that) What a bunch of days it's been. No boredom around here - I can certainly tell you that.
Let's start with the very busy weekend we had, and most of it - without internet. We had a big darts night. (loads of fun) A very big farewell party. (100 people +) A great F1 Sunday. (best race to date I think so far) and a rush to get some plane tickets and to pack-up a suitcase.
A quick trip to the big city for the first part of this week. Jakarta. Yes Jakarta is BIG. I'm not really certain how many people live there 17 or 19 million perhaps. I can't imagine how anyone would even be able to keep track. What ever the case, in a lot of other places in the world - that would be the size of a whole country in fact. This was not really an unplanned event, but true to Balikpapan style - it was a bit last minute. Anyways - great trip. And now I'm safely back.
.... and then of course. Completely, and totally missed the BLOGOVERSARY yesterday. Imagine. (?) And I even had great stuff planned for that. Like Celebrate! So for those of you who don't know what a Blogoversary is; it means I've been at this Blog thing for 1 whole year. And this - from a person who really doesn't have much talent or even the ambition to write. Even I have a hard time imagining that.
TODAY: Not sure where to begin. Need to do little bit of catching-up on things first I think.
This morning I'm sorting through what seems like a million emails and what I need to/should do and don't need to do. Quite possibly, if had a real job - I'd actually have less to do I think. Wholly - Molely!
......... and a big welcome back to my friend today too. I think it's time for a fortnight lunch pretty soon - don't you think?
Ok, better get a go on. Good to Go!

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