Tide's in. Tide's out. And in this pic - it's way out. And I just happen to like this pic.

Watch out for when the tide's in. And when it goes out, it goes way, way out. But when it comes in, IT COMES IN. And if you happen to go for a walk down the beach, and stop for a spot ................... you might not be getting back the same way you came.

TODAY: A total rain day I think. It's been raining for hours. Started sometime last night. And now, we need to get maintenance in. We've got a bit of a drip, drip thing. A leak in the roof and wet ceramic tiles - not good. Makes for a really good SLIP. Ok, so on the plus, the drip, drip is at least on the outside of the house (over the patio). This time. Or so far. (Yes we've had the indoor type too.)

This morning have a little coffee thing to do. And sometime today need to search out something that resembles Tums. Note: If you plan on coming to Balikpapan - bring Tums. Lots of Tums. You might need them to help with all the spicy stuff.

Oh, yeah - and congratulations - Obama. You won! Today's headline in The Jakarta Post "Obama Fever Hits the World"

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