Pisang Goreng. Street Food. Fried Bananas. A few weeks ago, a friend of mine put me on to this little Pisang Goreng stand next door to the new Maxi Shop. Might be the best Pisang Goreng spot in all of Balikpapan I think. And yesterday was a fried bananas kind of day. I love these things, they're great. And they only cost about 10 cents. My favorite are the ones on the right. Bananas wrapped in strips of a really thin dough and then fried. Crispy and sweet and just plain yummy.

Dinner party last night - great. Actually, it was really nice. Maybe a little too much of that Russian Vodka stuff. By the way boys, yes we were all right, potatoes or grain (wheat). And apparently potatoes - is not the good stuff. Wikipedia says "It is a clear liquid which consists of mostly water and ethanol." Ethanol? OMG. Ok, now I get it ................ the headache. And by the way other Me, did we say we're organizing a pool party for next week?

TODAY: Another one of those, "not sure just yet days". My favorite kind of Saturday. Just let things happen, and see where we end up.

I really should start packing a suit case I guess. (Big holiday, coming up.) I mean really start, not just piling things all over the place. I think I need a list. Actually I probably need two. List #1 - what to take with, and, List #2 - what to bring back. I LIKE LISTS. Ok, I think I'll start with that. And the first item(s) for the list - long sleeves. Oh yes, I'm heading to a colder place. Brrrrrr. Actually probably more like BRRRRRRR. But I am excited!

Not sure if we'll manage to get up at 5:30 a.m. tomorrow to listen to the Rider match. (CFL) That might be just a wee bit too early for us. That's like our only sleep-in day. But we'll be sure to check as soon as we get up. Go Riders Go!

On my TO DO list this weekend - grab the camera and set out to get some pics of our new neighbours. I'll post some for you next week.

Happy weekend all. Good to Go!

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