Who needs to go shopping when you have one of these guys out and about? And check out what he's got! Plastic dippers, strainers, kitchen knives, fake flowers and wooden spoons, little rugs for your front step and even a hand saw too. And doesn't even bother with VAT tax. Talk about being an entrepreneur. Cool. (VAT = Value Added Tax. Not sure how the value gets into that?)

And today is St. Patrick's Day too. Yes - it's celebrated over here too. I'm not sure where they got it from, but the girls from BIWA will be serving green beer tonight at the Travel Expo event. Might be a wee bit of Irish going on tonight ........ or maybe just a little luck.

TODAY: So yesterday turned into one of those days where I didn't seem to get anything done. WINK WINK. And for that reason - makes today a little more full and maybe even a little more fun.

Start out by picking up those paintings I should have already done. And figure out the where and how of hanging them.

Busy, busy day ahead. Here's goes..........

Good to Go!

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