Ok, so here we go again, a new Monday and a new week. I've got some projects I've been putting off that I really need to get at this week. But .... (when it rains it pours) ....... a friend has asked me to join her in Bali and Lombok for week - what to do? what to do? Not too sure what to do about that. But, if I do happen to disappear for a bit. That's where I'm at.

And it's birthday week number 2. There are a whole lot of people having birthdays around about now. Happy, Happy Birthday to each every one of you. Sure hoping everyone managed to get the birthday cards we sent in the mail. ....... and the post cards from holidays too. I understand it might take a few weeks.

A pretty good weekend around here. Except that the other Me ended up working way too much. Unfortunately - that does happen around here, and lately a little too often and too much. Birthday party on the beach yesterday - that was fun, loads of people and food and kids and sun and on and on. A fire across the street Saturday night. 1 and 1/2 houses I'm told. Not sure how you get a half but that's how they count it here in Balikpapan. Still have the black hole in the blue room (black & blue) - no change on that front. Maybe next week or the week after that. And for some reason - today they're back again fixing that darn kitchen tap. Seems it sprung a new leak.

TODAY: Shopping day around here. I think I'm going to call this the hunter-gatherer week. Need to replenish and restock on a whole bunch of stuff. And I just got word a new shop has opened up in town - so need to go check that out too. And today's shaping up to be a good day for all of that.

Happy Monday - Happy Week.

Good to Go!

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