SNOW ............. not. Com'mon, bring it on I'm ready. Bring on the snow. I've got gloves, and a scarf and I can even find a hat if I need it - where's the snow? There's no snow where I'm at.

NO SNOW .............. not yet, but I'm sure it'll be here. I'm betting on December 18th.

So my trip out of Balikpapan - well, if you want to get outta town quick - get on a plane with someone who needs medical attention. You know when the steward on the plane asks "if there's a doctor on board can you please identify yourself", you're gonna have an interesting trip. And there were in fact 2 doctors, what were the odds of that? I think we got to Singapore in half time. And zero waiting time on the runway. That was a quick trip.

Ok, I've been here ..... hmmm, 2 weeks + a bit. Sorry, all you Blogger folks. Guess I took a holiday for a bit. Times flies by, even on this side. Talk about B-U-S-Y. Yes, I have been busy, there's been a lot of everything going on here.

I've done the GREY CUP (that's real football folks, not soccer), the hockey thing, helped with move-outs and move-ins. Put up Christmas lights and Christmas trees, helped with Christmas Cards and a whole bunch of other get ready for Christmas stuff. Have driven all over the place (yes, I got my licence back - long story - but I got it). Helped with a block heater that really does exist (another long story) now that was funny - wasn't it Scott? .............. and loads, loads of other stuff.

It's real nice to be here. Nice to be with everyone. Will be even better once the other Me gets here too. Yes, I miss you. I also miss sunshine and warm. Minus 1 sucks. It's cold. (I'm in real big trouble if the real winter comes.)

The news from Balikpapan: I've heard the Hypermart has opened and the A&W too. Now doesn't that just figure. I sure hope they save me some. No news about the new Starbucks yet. I'm getting all the Tims coffee in here while I can (that's real coffee).

TODAY: Today, well it's actually 11 o'clock. P.M. and it's still Saturday where I'm at. But tomorrow is more hockey, more cooking and probably still no snow.

Stay warm everyone. Good to Go!

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