Moved on? ....... yup, moved on. Took the long way round; and landed right back. In Indonesia.

Ter-balik. Kembali. Returned. This time Jakarta town.

And so .......... seems Blogging, is also on it's way back. [Into fashion once again], just like that. We can thank Instagram for that. Keep your eye on BLOG.STAGRAM. I think some interesting things are going to start happening there.

So, initially, I thought I'd post this big long list of all that's happened. Things I have/ haven't done, or learnt, or not (spanning my elapse). Will save us all a bit of time and just skip right over that.

So here we are. In Jakarta. On the edge of Christmas, the Rainy Season and 2014.

Let's do this! Let's see if any body notices - we're back.

Good to Go!