Well what a lousy weekend that one was. The FLU got the best of me. Been a very long time since I had to deal with something like that. Certainly wasn't a whole lot of fun for the other Me either, hanging out with me. (poor guy) Anyways, today I'm determined to get BACK ON TRACK.

The only plus to being sick over the weekend - I finally finished reading that really good book I've been working at. A book I must thank my brother-in-law for. Thank you brother-in-law for sharing the book. And yes you were right - it's a really good book. The Book of Negroes by Lawrence Hill. Published as Someone Knows My Name in the USA. Check it out - here.

We did manage to check out a new spot for a bit on Friday night. The long awaited Beach House, has finally opened up. What a nice spot. And if a person didn't know better - you'd think you were transported to Bali or some other place like that.

This morning, the sky has opened up. Having a monster of a rain storm at the moment. Right now all the flower beds and gots are filling up. (gots = drains) Now that the dry season has come finally come around, we just get MORE less often now it seems. Here's hoping the roof holds out.

TODAY: NOT SURE JUST YET. Heading out. Have errands to run this afternoon and determined to get BACK ON TRACK.

Happy Monday - have a good one.

Good to Go!

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