Look at that - here it is, Tuesday again.

Ok, so check this out. This is an article that appeared recently in the Jakarta Post. (if you want to read the whole thing - go here) Is there any other country in the world that does this? Not a bad idea in fact. ......... examine the mental and physical capabilities of presidential candidates. Maybe all the Presidential (Prime Minister) hopefuls of the world should first go for a check-up before they're allowed to run. Interesting concept.

Yesterday turned into a rather busy + interesting + do what you really like (paint) kind-of-day. Managed to get myself way over to the other side of town and picked up my birthday gift from my favorite 'rock shop'. And it is totally awesome. #1. Maybe tomorrow I'll have a picture of that.

Turned out, that while I was there, so were 3 gentlemen from Sri Lanka - dressed entirely in white, sitting on the floor behind the counter, sorting though handfuls of sapphires - for resale here. WOW. Big WOW. ...... more sapphires than you can ever imagine. Lots and lots and lots of them and almost every colour you could ever want. Including a blue sapphire almost as big as an American dime. I didn't even dare ask them "how much?", but at least I got to touch it. Impressive to say the least.

TODAY: Already rolling right along. Started the morning with a South American cooking class. Yum. They truly do make the best food I think.

This afternoon - have some errands to run, some stuff to drop off and some stuff for pick up.

.......... and this just in. Its looking like the other Me is working on getting some (1 week) time off. Good deal. Good enough to get out of here, and go some place nice.

Have a good one. Good to Go!

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