...... ON MY WAY

Whoo - hoo! On the way today. Time to go find a new beach. And with any luck, tomorrow morning - I'll have the above for a view. Unfortunately, I'm way too busy this morning to get excited about it. (or pack) But very soon I'll get all the TO-DO-LIST stuff out of the way - and I'll be there.

If you want to see where I'm going (and my fortnight friend too) - you can check it out here. Looks like a pretty awesome place I think.

So I'm going to try and do something a little differently with the blog this time while I'm away. And I can only do this because this isn't the first time to where I'm going on this trip. I'm going to try and use the scheduler thingy that Blogger's got. So each day while I'm away I'm going to hopefully do a post (guessing of course) of where I'm at. And we'll just have to wait and see if it all works out - when I get back.

........ and I was informed last night by my informant - that I'd better make a mention about the sour cream. No you don't just put the cream out on the counter over night (com'mon tell the truth - did you try it?) and wait for it to go off. No, that's not quite it - there's a little more to it than that.

TODAY: Clear-up all the THINGS-TO-DO, pack a suit case and get on a plane and get outta here. To bad the other Me couldn't come too. (darn job)

Time to Go!

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